Men's Work

Men’s Groups You Can Join:


Black Men Talk Health: This online forum offers men of color a place to unite, sharing their common experiences and providing mutual support.


RAW Talk: A safe, male-only environment where men of color can candidly open up to each other, RAW Talk encourages discussions about emotions, feelings, and subjects that are important to them.

Women's Work

Women’s Groups You Can Join:

Exhale (Online & In-Person): This group provides opportunities for women of color to come together, connect, and share their common life experiences. Through various enjoyable activities, participants can encourage one another both online and in face-to-face settings.

Black Women Pause (Online): A nurturing online space dedicated to women of color, Black Women Pause focuses on emotional well-being by offering guidance, self-help strategies, and information. The aim is to uplift women and provide a platform where they can freely share their experiences.

For further information about any of these groups, please call 0117 952 5742